Monday, August 14, 2017
8月14日(月曜日) 2017
明け方目が覚め、「しまった冷房の消し忘れ!」と思いましたが開けておいた窓からの冷気でした。その涼しさに秋の始まりを感じながら本当にしばらく振りに朝の散歩に先ずは多賀大社へ。朝なのにヒグラシのカナカナを聴きながら玉砂利の音も心地よく参拝。その後森の中へ入ると流れる小川の音に子供の頃と同じ感覚を覚えました。いつも通る大型犬Annちゃんの家の前。いたいた!Annちゃんがやさしい顔でこちらを見てくれたので、あいさつすると、間もなくワオーワン!と飼い主のママを呼ぶので、「シーッ!いいのいいのちょっとこんにちはしたかっただけだから」とバイバイして先に進みました。保育園のサルスベリの見事な赤と、しっかり実をつけている田んぼの稲穂に驚きシャッターを押しました。When I woke up, it was a bit cool. I thought that I forgot to turn the AC off but it was because of the air from the window which I left open a little. It felt like the beginning of autumn. It has been a while since my last morning walk. Hearing the Evening Cicada (although it was morning), I visited Taga Taisha (shrine) with a fresh mind. Then I walked in the woods of the shrine. I recalled the time I was a little because it was the same sound of the brook in the woods. After that I passed by Ann's house. Ann is a big black dog. She looked gently at me. When I said "Hello" to her, she called her owner by barking. I didn't want to bother her owner, so I said goodbye to her and went ahead. The beautiful red color of the crape myrtle at the nursery school and ears of rice in the rice field caught my eye.