I went to an exhibition of Frank Lloyd Wright ((1867-1959) at Panasonic Shiodome Museum in Tokyo. F.L. Wright was a great American modern architect who is famous for designing the Imperial Hotel in Japan.
Various architectures by Wright which adapted to the natural terrain were divided in seven themes, and well exhibited with explanations, photos and beautiful blueprints. Wright collected many Ukiyoe (Japanese wood prints in Edo period) and got many inspirations from them in his motif and composition. I was impressed by his horizontal lines. It is such a beautiful and tough structure which withstood the Great Kanto Earthquake in 1923. Artistically, culturally and structurally, Wright's work addresses current issues, so the exhibition got people's attention from architects to common people and the museum was so crowded that you couldn't get tickets to enter easily.
According to the brochure, more than 50,000 documents and materials in the US were researched and organized by people from both US and Japan. Dr. Ken Tadashi Oshima, Professor/Director of History Theory, Deprt. of Architecture of Univ. of Washington, is the person who planned and curated this exhibition. As a matter of fact, he was a student of my Japanese class at Harvard a long time ago, and he took care of my ticket to visit the exhibition. Ms. Emiko Omura of the Panasonic Museum, said to me that Prof. Oshima is an expert in the Architecture History of Japan-U.S. Exchange, and he is respected by many related people as a warm, trustworthy person.
I am grateful to learn about F.L.Wright in this exhibition and to know that Oshima-san became such a respectable professor, and I am very proud of him.