メイク落としはベビーオイルがいいよと友達に勧められ、それまで台所のオリーブオイルを小さな瓶に入れて使っていたのを薬局で買ったベビーオイルに替えました。費用面で安いからです。さて、今回は旅先で買おうと、ボストン到着後薬局に行って旅行用のベビーオイルの小瓶を探しました。最初の店には大きいサイズのものしかなく、次に入った店にちょうどいいのがあったので早速購入。容器が小さい分書いてある字も小さくbabyは読めるのですがほかの字は読めない、それらしいものは他になかったので買ってきて家で使っていました。コットンに含ませて使うも、いつもとはちょっと違う。国も違うしこんなものかと思いつつ、本日メガネをかけてよ〜く見たらBaby shampooと書いてありました。あぁ、またー。どうしてこうドジを繰り返すのだろう…。今回は人に迷惑を掛けなかっただけよかったのですが。
I was recommended by my friend that baby oil is better than olive oil to remove makeup, so I went to a drug store to buy baby oil and switched to baby oil from olive oil by replacing a bottle from the kitchen with a small bottle. It was because baby oil was less expensive than olive oil. Well, this time I decided to buy baby oil in Boston rather than bringing it from Japan. The day after I arrived in Boston, I went to the pharmacy to find baby oil for travellers. There was only a bigger size at the first shop, and then at the second shop I found one in an appropriate size. The bottle was very small and the letters were also small. Although I recognized the word "Baby" I couldn't read the rest. It seemed pretty much like Baby Oil and there was no such thing on the shelf, so I purchased it. I had been using it for a couple of days as a remover of makeup with a little strange feeling about it. I thought that it was because these are products from two different countries, JPN & US. Today, I looked at the bottle with my glasses and read the small letters. It said "Baby Shampoo". I felt silly again! I didn't involve other people in my mistake, which was good, though.