Saturday, August 22, 2020

縁側の戸を開けておけば午前中は涼風が家の中に入り爽やかに気持ちよく過ごせます。(午後になると陽が差しこむのでエアコンに切り替えますが。)昨年「多賀あさひや」で公演と講座をしてくださった二人組のクラウン ロネ&ジージのTーシャツが送られてきました。コロナ禍で各地の公演、教室、夏のキャンプがすべてキャンセルになった彼らのような芸術関係の人たちの打撃は計り知れません。何とか活動維持をとWeb での演技講座、クラウン知識講座、月一回のラジオ番組などいろいろ工夫しながら尚且つ自己のトレーニングも怠らずその努力たるや大変なもの。そんな工夫の一つがロネジジのT-シャツ販売です。私は3枚購入。早速、今朝は応援も兼ねて自身も元気を出さねばとピンクのシャツでカフェに立ちました。Tシャツは今も申し込み受け付けているようです。 When I open sliding glass doors of Engawa (a narrow wooden deck along the edge of a house facing the garden), the cool air comes into the house and I can enjoy a nice and fresh feeling in the morning. (It is not the case in the afternoon because the sunlight comes in the Engawa area and becomes hot and I turn on the AC.) Yesterday I received T-shirts from Rone & Gigi who are the clown duo who gave a performance and lecture at my cafe last year. Due to coronavirus their performances, classes and summer camp were all canceled, and I guess it must have caused huge damage for artists like them. They are trying to keep their activities such as acting classes and lectures of basic clown knowledge online and monthly radio programs, as well as keeping their routine training which are tremendous efforts I can imagine. Selling their T-shirts is one of their ideas to get their fund. I purchased three of their T-shirts and today I put on a pink one to support them and cheer up myself. It seems that they are still accepting your order.