Saturday, May 30, 2020

早目に夕食を済ませカロリー消費のために散歩にでかけました。帰り道はちょうど黄昏時。夕焼け空のあまりの美しさに立ち止まって見入ってしまいました。今日もお弁当といなり寿司それにもち粉ケーキの「出前便トモエちゃん」とテイクアウト分を何とか間に合わせることができました。自粛で休業中の私たち飲食店のために「出前便トモエちゃん」を企画し配達に力を貸してくださっている莚寿堂の山根さんには感謝するばかりです。そして、注文してくださるお客様、心から御礼申し上げます。After eating my dinner a little early, I went out for a walk to burn calories. It was twilight when I was back home. Since the evening sky was so beautiful, I was amazed and stopped walking to look at the setting sun. It was a busy day of preparing box lunches, packs of Inari-zushi (vinegared rice wrapped in deep-fried bean curd) and Mochiko-cake for delivery and take-out. I appreciate the project "Tomoe-chan delivery service" which Ms. Yamane planned to support the shops like my cafe which ought to close and stop business due to the coronavirus. This project is very helpful. I of course thank customers who make phone calls to us to request their food.