Tuesday, April 21, 2020

自粛でカフェを休業して1週間経ちました。営業を確認するため電話をくださったかたには申し訳ない気持ちで事情を話しています。そんな静かなカフェですが入り口には今「君子蘭」が見事な赤い花をつけて咲いています。この鉢植え、彦根に住む高校の同級生のHさんが1ヶ月ほど前に自宅から持ってきてくださったものです。Hさんはいつも季節に合わせてカフェに素敵な鉢植えを置いてくれます。君子蘭のとなりにはこれまで可憐な鈴のかたちの花をつけたスズランスイセンがありましたが、もう終わりだからと鉢はHさんによって引き上げられました。花の名前を覚えるのも難しい私はまるで子供。上手に植木を育てあげるHさんは温かで安定した大人の存在です。It has been about a week since I temporarily closed my cafe due to Coronavirus self-imposed control. I sometimes receive phone calls to ask if the cafe is open, then I feel so bad when explaining the situation. The entrance of the cafe is so quiet now but you will find the flowerpot of Kunshiran (Clivia) which has splendid red flowers. My high school friend in Hikone, Ms.H.N, brought it to me about a month ago when they were with hard buds. She always brings wonderful flowerpots appropriate to the season for my cafe. There was a plant called Suzuran-suisen (snowflake) next to the Clivia, but she took it away because she said that the flowers were over. I feel I am a little child because it is very hard to memorize each flower's name. On the contrary, my friend H, is a warm, knowledgeable woman who grows plants very well.