Sunday, April 26, 2020

守山の延命寺というお寺は遠縁で、これまで折ある毎に大変お世話になっています。ご長寿のおばさまには私が一人で分からない様々なことを今もお教えいただいています。お嬢様のE子さん(現住職のお母様)は実に多才な方でどれほどたくさんのお手製の貴重な物をいただき、また教えていただいたか知れません。その一つが柿渋蘇りの技です。最初、E子さんからカフェにたくさんの柿渋の器を頂戴し、それがとても素敵だったのでやり方を教えていただきました。お天気が良い日は柿渋作業には最適です。手近なザルや箱に和紙を貼り付け、そこに柿渋を塗って天日に干して仕上げます。不要の箱やザルが丈夫になり見違えるほど存在感を発揮してくれます。Enmeiji temple in Moriyama is my distant relative and I am grateful to them for still having a relationship with me. I greatly respect the long life of women there who guide me appropriately when I sometimes don't know what to do about an old custom in Japan. I also respect Ms. E who is the mother of the chief priest of the temple and has multiple talents. I have received a lot of wonderful handmade items from her since the cafe opened and I have learned many things from her as well. One of the things which she taught me is reviving the way of coating with persimmon varnish. When I opened my cafe, Ms. E brought many containers which were coated with persimmon varnish. Because I liked them very much, I asked her about the process for that. A fine sunny day is ideal for working. First you will cover the surface of baskets or boxes with Japanese rice paper, then after drying out you coat persimmon varnish with a brush. Put them under the sun to dry and their brown colour becomes more vibrant. Used baskets and unnecessary boxes become strong with this coating and they look so nice!