平成が今日で終わります。明日からは令和の新しい日々の始まりです。 毎月、多賀大社はお朔日(ついたち)に多くの参拝客で賑わいます。 明日、5月1日は令和元年のお朔日であるため、絵馬通りのお店は お参りにいらっしゃる方々のために特別なおもてなしをしようと朝7時から 開店することになりました。我が「多賀あさひや」もいつもは11時から ですが明日は7時にカフェを開けます。そして、朝ご飯がメニューに加わります。 お客様に喜んでいただけるようガンバリマス!!Heisei era ends as of today. New era, Reiwa, will start tomorrow. Every month, many people come to Taga Taisha on the first day (we call it OTSUITACHI) and pray for the health and prosperity of themselves and their family. Tomorrow, May 1st is the special first day because new era starts on this day. Shops along the main street (Ema doori) decided to give a special service to open their doors at 7 a.m. for the people who come to the Shrine. Taga Asahiya will also open at 7 a.m. instead of 11 a.m. which is the usual opening time. Japanese-style breakfast will be served as a special service. I will fully prepare so customers will be pleased with it.
Tuesday, April 30, 2019
平成が今日で終わります。明日からは令和の新しい日々の始まりです。 毎月、多賀大社はお朔日(ついたち)に多くの参拝客で賑わいます。 明日、5月1日は令和元年のお朔日であるため、絵馬通りのお店は お参りにいらっしゃる方々のために特別なおもてなしをしようと朝7時から 開店することになりました。我が「多賀あさひや」もいつもは11時から ですが明日は7時にカフェを開けます。そして、朝ご飯がメニューに加わります。 お客様に喜んでいただけるようガンバリマス!!Heisei era ends as of today. New era, Reiwa, will start tomorrow. Every month, many people come to Taga Taisha on the first day (we call it OTSUITACHI) and pray for the health and prosperity of themselves and their family. Tomorrow, May 1st is the special first day because new era starts on this day. Shops along the main street (Ema doori) decided to give a special service to open their doors at 7 a.m. for the people who come to the Shrine. Taga Asahiya will also open at 7 a.m. instead of 11 a.m. which is the usual opening time. Japanese-style breakfast will be served as a special service. I will fully prepare so customers will be pleased with it.
平成が今日で終わります。明日からは令和の新しい日々の始まりです。 毎月、多賀大社はお朔日(ついたち)に多くの参拝客で賑わいます。 明日、5月1日は令和元年のお朔日であるため、絵馬通りのお店は お参りにいらっしゃる方々のために特別なおもてなしをしようと朝7時から 開店することになりました。我が「多賀あさひや」もいつもは11時から ですが明日は7時にカフェを開けます。そして、朝ご飯がメニューに加わります。 お客様に喜んでいただけるようガンバリマス!!Heisei era ends as of today. New era, Reiwa, will start tomorrow. Every month, many people come to Taga Taisha on the first day (we call it OTSUITACHI) and pray for the health and prosperity of themselves and their family. Tomorrow, May 1st is the special first day because new era starts on this day. Shops along the main street (Ema doori) decided to give a special service to open their doors at 7 a.m. for the people who come to the Shrine. Taga Asahiya will also open at 7 a.m. instead of 11 a.m. which is the usual opening time. Japanese-style breakfast will be served as a special service. I will fully prepare so customers will be pleased with it.