最近のお天気は不安定で日によっても、午前と午後でも晴れたり曇ったり雨模様になったりします。 今朝はお陽様が出て気持ちのいい始まりでしたが、お昼ごろから曇りだし、その後また陽が差してきました。 庭の紅梅が膨らんで可愛く咲き始め、ツツジの新芽も出てきました。 谷川俊太郎さんの詩に木下牧子さんが曲をつけた「春に」という合唱曲の一節が、毎年春になると頭の中で 流れます。一部を紹介します。
「春に」 谷川俊太郎
よろこびだ しかしかなしみでもある
いらだちだ しかもやすらぎがある
あこがれだ そしていかりがかくれている
These days the weather is variable. It sometimes turns to a different condition depending on the day or the time; for example, it could be clear in the morning but then turn to a cloudy or rainy day in the afternoon. This morning it was fine day but around noon time, many clouds covered the sky and eventually the sun came out again. The red plum buds have started opening and the fresh green color of azalea has come out in my garden. Every year during this season, phrases of a certain poem comes to mind. Namely, I recall the lines of the chorus (poem by Shuntaro Tanikawa, music by Makiko Kinoshita). Let me introduce part of it here.
”In spring" by Shuntaro Tanikawa
I wonder what this feeling is?
The invisible flow of energy comes up from the earth and into the sole of my feet.
It comes to my stomach, chest and up into my throat.
It is welling up and becomes my silent scream.
I wonder what this feeling is?
New buds which are bursting at the top of branch and prods my heart.
It is joy, but it also sorrow.
It has impatience, but it also has peace of mind.
It is longing, but anger is hiding.
It is blocked by the dam of my mind.
But it is stagnating, swirling and fighting.
It is about to flood over.
I wonder what this feeling is?