先日見た2本目の映画について。Claude Berri監督が1986年に製作発表した Jean de Florette(フロレッテ家のジャン)とManon des Sources(泉のマノン) の二本立てのフランス映画です。「愛と宿命の泉」という邦題がついていました。一部と二部を合わせると4時間ぐらいになる長い映画ですが、見応えがあり何とも言えない余韻が今も残っています。映画が始まって、やや山間部のフランスの農村地帯の景色が、静かに流れる音楽と共に目に入ってきますが、その美しさに心が奪われます。登場人物の9割が農村の男性ばかりで、都会から移ってきたジャンの妻と幼い娘が登場しますが台詞が殆どありません。けれどもしっかりとその存在感が演技に残ります。2部で成長した美しいその娘が中心となって話しが展開していくのですが、最後に明らかにされる人間関係、イブモンタン(Yves Montand)の流石とも言える深い演技、エマヌエル・べアール(Emmanuelle Beart)の美しさに感銘を受けます。それにしても「水」をめぐるこの映画。農村の厳しさがひしひしと伝わる作品でした。Let me talk about the second movie which we watched the other day. Actually it consisted of two parts directed by Claude Berri (1986). Part 1 is "Jean de Frolette" and Part 2 is " Manon des Sources". It is very long to watch, and lasts about four hours but I was very impressed by this movie. I was fascinated by the first scene of the natural landscape in France where it is the mountain side rather than plain region and it went along with beautiful quiet music. 90% people on the screen were male. Jean's wife and his daughter appeared with almost no lines but they did a good job and impressed me very much. In the second part, The story focused on this daughter, Manon who grew up. At the end we discovered the relationship of the people which was surprising. Yves Montand's acting was deep and superb. Emmanuelle Beart was so beautiful. The "water" is key in this film and we knew how severe a farmer's life is, as it depends on the water.