Wednesday, August 22, 2018


日曜日に福井に行ったため、ついでに 芦原温泉に一泊し、翌日はもう少し足を伸ばして東尋坊へ観光に出かけました。 福井県は滋賀県のすぐ隣ですが、私は初めてで娘と一緒に 季節外れでしたが美味しいカニと東尋坊の見事な安山岩柱状節理(柱状の岩) を楽しむことができました。温泉宿の近くを歩いていたら、イギリスから帰っている娘がクスッと笑うのでどうしたのかと聞くと、道の向こうのスーパーの名前が「Big Belly」つまり「大きいおなか」で何とも愉快だったようです。 Since I went to Fukui prefecture last Sunday, I stayed over at Awara onsen with my daughter and went a little further to Tojinbo Cape for sightseeing. Fukui is the prefecture next to Shiga, but it was the first visit for me. We enjoyed Echizengani (Echizen crab) and the beautiful andesite columnar joint of Tojinbo. When we were walking near a hot-spring hotel, my daughter who has just come from England a couple days ago gave a little chuckle, so I asked what was the reason. She saw a supermarket sign written "Big Belly". She wanted to show it to her lab mates to make them laugh.