Saturday, August 4, 2018


昨日から多賀大社の三日間の万灯祭が始まりました。昨日はまた、多賀あさひやでは猛暑の中14時から朗読サークル「ひだまりの会」(主宰 北村妙子)多賀教室の発表会が行なわれました。30名のお客様をお迎えして、まさに熱気ムンムンの朗読会でした。中でも途中で観客も参加の 言葉あそびが入り、みなさん一人一人大きく声をだして一生懸命に谷川俊太郎さんのひらがなの詩を一行ずつ読み、開場が大いに盛り上がりました。黙読と違って、文章を理解して声に出して読むのは難しいことですが同時に楽しいものです。朗読会が終って、餅粉ケーキと飲み物とおしゃべりで皆さんゆっくり過ごしてくださいました。From yesterday (8/3), summer festival at Taga Taisha has started for three days. A poetry (or story) reading event was also held at my cafe yesterday. It was an event by Reading Circle "Hidamari no Kai" Taga class and I took part too. We had about thirty guests. There was a heated atmosphere aside from the hot whether. Included in the program was "Kotoba Asobi (word play)" in which the audience participated, where each person read aloud a line of the poem by Shuntaro Tanikawa written in Hiragana and it was so enjoyable. Reading aloud poetry (or a story) is difficult because you need to understand every line of the reading and requires courage which is different from reading silently, but at the same time it is very fun. After the event, both readers and guests enjoyed cake, drink and talking at the cafe.