Saturday, June 23, 2018
彦根市にお住まいのTさんから梅の実をいただきました。カフェの近くに車を止めて中から出してくださったのは籠いっぱいの梅の実でした。うちに何本も木があるからとおっしゃって、手渡してくださいましたが、これだけの梅の実をとげのある木から採るのがどれほど大変かご苦労を思うと有り難いかぎりです。家にあるザルに移してしばらく置いておいたら、甘〜い香りが部屋一杯に広がりました。青梅や黄色くなった梅しか知らない私はこんなにフワッとはにかんだようにピンクに色づいている梅は初めてです。しばらくうっとりと美しい梅の実に見とれ幸せな香りに包まれました。あまりにたくさんいただいたので、日頃お世話になっている方にお裾分けします。I received plums from Mr. T who lives in Hikone. He parked his car near my cafe and took out a full basket of plums. He handed them to me saying that his family has many plum trees. I know it takes time and hard work to pick such a large amount of plums from the tree with branches which have lot of thorns. I thank him for his efforts. I moved them to my sieves and left them in the cafe for a while, then the sweet smell of plums filled the room. Since I have seen only green or yellow plums, it was the first time for me to see such puffy-looking and partially pink plums, like a girl's cheek when she got shy. I was fascinated by those beautiful plums and was full of happiness by the sweet smell. Mr.T gave so many plums to me, so I will share those with the people who always help me.