Ms. N from Toyosato-cho brought me branches of camellia, so I put them in a basket and put them in the alcove of the guest room. There must be some rules in a traditional flower arrangement,and it looked much better if I followed that, but I haven't taken any lessons about it. So I just arranged the branches randomly.
The hanging scroll is drawn by a Japanese painter, Kichidoh Utsumi (1849~1925) in Fukui prefecture. He had a strong connection to Taga. He studied Chinese classics from a medical doctor and Chinese scholar, Touhou Kosuga, who lived in Kyutoku Taga at an early age and went to China to learn Nanga (a school of Chinese painting which became popular in Japan during the Edo period). My great grandfather was studying Chinese classics from Mr. Kosuga in the Meiji period, so they might have had some connection with each other and that is why this hanging scroll exists in my house.
In the afternoon, Ms. K who is a resident in Taga, came to me to buy tickets for the Noh Event in June and she brought sweetened small-sweetfish which is one of the Shiga's specialties. I heard that getting sweetfish from Lake Biwa is harder year by year. Ms.K cooked this by herself. I appreciated her special gift and excellent taste!