昨日、ボストンの自然食志向のスーパーを覗いてみたら、紅茶のセクションが結構な場所を占めているのに驚きました。そして紅茶とともに日本茶もブームのようで、Green Tea. Matcha Tea, Yuzu Bancha, Kukichaなどといったラベルや言葉が目に入りました。
アメリカの普通のスーパーでも紅茶のティーバッグと一緒にGreen Teaのティーバッグが随分前から売られていますが、カフェインがまったくないアメリカのスーパーの日本茶を私は美味しいと思ったことがありません。この少し高級感あるスーパーのお茶が美味しいのかどうか私には分かりませんが、アメリカ人の緑茶志向には興味があります。
Recently there is a tendency for people to enjoy tea. Many people still enjoy coffee but some of them also like tea. I guess it is the same as the US.
Yesterday I went to a supermarket which sells more natural food and I found the tea section took more space than before which made me a little surprised. I saw many green tea labels or boxes on the shelves as well as English tea such as Green Tea, Matcha Tea, Yuzu Bamcha, Kukicha, etc. It seems that Japanese tea is booming in the US.
I know that Green Tea has been sold in the common supermarket in the US in the same section as English Tea, but I have never thought that those Japanese teas were good. I don't know if this Japanese Tea sells in this high-class supermarket, but I am just curious about whether people in the US like Green Tea.