11月13日(日)13:00〜 多賀あさひやにも来てくれるビッグイヤーズ・ショーのロネとジージそれにマギーです。クラウンショーは初めてという方、どうぞ一度試しに観てください。本場の欧米のクラウンコンテストで日本人として唯一何度も優勝しているロネとジージの見事なステージに皆さんきっと驚くはずです。子供さんは最初から大興奮。必死に応援したり笑い転げたり。
Here are RONE & Gigi and assistant Maggie performing "Big Ears Show" and they will come to Taga Asahiya on November 13th at 13:00. If you haven't seen the show yet, please come to the show. You will be surprised by their amazing performance which won several awards in international clown contests. Kids are always very excited, sending big cheers and collapsing with laughter in this show.
The "Clown Live" from 18:00 on the same day will be a witty show which most adults enjoy. You will enjoy many of their high skills by these two clowns, RONE & Gigi who have been doing professional clowns for long years. If you are spending everyday with a serious face, RONE & Gigi will take you to a magical world.