Friday, April 1, 2022




  イザナミランチ(+お汁)+コーヒー 1600円
  イザナミランチ(+お汁)+コーヒー+もち粉ケーキ 1700円
  お持ち帰り(汁なし) 1000円
  白玉ぜんざい 600円
  白玉クリームあんみつ 750円

    It is April the first. Usually it should be full of joy to celebrate the bright spring, but due to Covid-19 not subsiding yet and Ukraine's misery, we move to the new season with a depressingly heavy mind.

    By the way, I will prepare Izanami Lunch (special lunch) on this Sunday, April 3rd. Please make a reservation. 0749-48-0186