長くいたボストンでは星条旗を掲げている家が何件もあったし、アイルランド系の人はSt.Patrick's Day(3/17 聖パトリックの日)にあらゆるものをアイルランドのシンボルカラーの緑一色にしていました。日本も米国も昨今様々な変化が起きていますが、独自性(identity)を尊重しながら社会を共に生きていく。悪いことではないと思います。
The days go by so quickly since the new year started. Today is a celebration of Coming-of-Age Day. I raised the national flag at the entrance. Although the first day of January was the first celebration day, I completely forgot because I was busy eliminating heavy snow.
When I was a child, every house raised the national flag on these celebration days, but I seldom see it nowadays. I might be a person of anachronism, but I like the mood of celebration by raising the national flag.
I saw many houses raise Stars and Stripes in Boston, and Irish people celebrate St.Patrick's Day on March 17th with green color which is a symbol color of Ireland. The way of thinking has been changing these days in both the US and Japan, but I believe that living together while still respecting one's identity is important.
I received a small bell of a zodiac tiger from Taga Taisha from Mr. N, who often stops by on the day of his walk. It is so cute but he has a firm face if you look closely.