彦根市出身のカウンターテナーの中嶋俊晴さん、同じく彦根市出身バロックヴァイオリン高岸卓人さん、チェンバロの三橋桜子さん、三人によるバロック音楽コンサートが木之本ステックホールでありました。木之本は初めて。C.Tさんが車で同行してくださったのは有り難かったです。さて、中嶋さんの歌を聴くのは2度目。昨年彦根で谷川賢作さんのジャズピアノで谷川俊太郎、武満徹などの詩を叙情的に歌い上げてくださいました。言葉が説得力をもって聴き手に伝わる中嶋さんの歌唱力と表現力に感銘を受けました。今回はバロック音楽で歌はすべて原語。ウィーン国立音楽大学大学院、アムステルダム音楽院修士課程を最優秀栄誉賞で修了されヨーロッパの音楽祭など様々な場にソリストとして招聘され、今年は栄えある五島記念文化賞オペラ新人賞を受賞されるなど、世界的に評価され活躍中の中嶋さんの歌は素晴らしいの一言に尽きます。昨年、数多く長い詩を歌われた時も思いましたが、全ての曲を暗譜で自分のものにしていらっしゃるのがさすがプロ。今回は英語とイタリア語でしたが、イメージした表現の世界に入って歌い上げ聴き手は誘い込まれます。カルダーラという作曲家のレスタティーヴォとアリアはとてもドラマティックに、ヘンデルの歌劇リナルドから「風よ、旋風よ」は早いテンポで音階が上がったり下がったり素人の私が聴いても難曲だと思うのですが、役の中に入って歌う大柄な中嶋さんには余裕が見えました。コロナで本拠地のアムステルダムに移るのも難しい状況と思いますが、実力ある中嶋さんの歌を聴かせてもらえたことは幸いでした。I went to a baroque music concert played by Countertenor:Toshiharu Nakajima, Baroque violinist: Takuto Takagishi, and Harpsichord player: Sakurako Mitsuhashi at Stik-hall in Kinomoto. This was my first visit to Kinomoto and I am grateful to Ms. C.T. who came with me by her car. It was the second of Nakajima's concerts for me. The first one was last year and it was with Kensaku Tanikawa who is a jazz pianist and Mr. Nakajima sang many poems of Japanese great poets such as Shuntaro Tanikawa, Toru Takemitsu, etc. I was impressed by his singing which made me imagine the scene of the poems. This time he sang Baroque music and all lyrics were original words in Italian and English. Mr. Nakajima finished a Master degree with Best Honor Award of both Univ. of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, and Conservatorium van Amsterdam. He is now singing actively as a soloist in Europe and this year, he was awarded Gotoh Memorial Cultural Award Most Promising Young Talent Prize in Opera. It was a great concert. Last year he memorized all long poems which were more than ten and it impressed me very much. This year he was singing music of Handel, Purcell and caldara in original words (Italian, English) with no score as well and I thought it was very professional. He expressed the character of the music and drew us into each composer's world. He sang Recitatives and Arias of Caldara dramatically. Rinald " Venti, turbini" of Handel was quick tempo and the music was rising and falling which seemed very difficult, but Mr. Nakajima was singing with confidence. Under this Corona situation, it must be difficult to move to Amsterdam where he usually stays as his home base but I was lucky to have such a nice opportunity to listen to his music.