大晦日を前に胸が痛いです。1週間ほど前、近くに住む親戚のところへ届け物をしようと向かう途中の自業自得の自転車事故。実は大道から脇道へ左折しようとした時、脇道から大道に出ようとした軽トラックが止まったのでその横を通り抜けようと左へハンドルを切ったら自転車が傾きそのまま1.5m下の田んぼの脇まで頭からズルズルと自転車ごと落下。軽トラから出てきたおじさんに「どうもないか?!」と聞かれ電動自転車が重いのがわかっていたので「自転車を上げてください!」と私。雪の後の枯れ草が柔らかかったのが幸いして膝に痛みがあったものの怪我はなく起き上がって道まで上がり、軽トラさんにお礼を言ってそのまま親戚へ。帰ってから膝が痛くてしばらくビッコを引いていたものの少しずつ回復。膝と同時に左胸の痛みも。床掃除や荷物を持つ時、笑った時に感じる痛みは膝よりも上。ろっ骨を折ったかなと思いつつも自然治癒を待つしかなく、目下浅い息で黙々と年末の仕事をしています。電動自転車は革命的に楽ですが重い荷物を前のカゴに入れるとハンドルさばきが覚束なくなりすでに転倒2回経験済み。危ないのでカッコ悪いけど後ろにもカゴをつけて買った食材はそっちへ。とにかく、反射神経衰えの自覚と意外に危険な電動アシスト自転車の運転再注意を肝に命じて新年を迎えます。皆様どうぞよいお年を!My heart aches just before the end of the year. It was a bicycle accident which was my own fault when I was heading towards the house of a relative who lives near me to bring a gift about a week ago. When I was expecting to turn to the left from a main road, a small truck came from the side road and stopped before the main road. I thought that I could get through the side of the small truck, but I couldn't. I lost the balance of my bicycle and fell down toward a rice field which was 1.5m lower from the street. The driver of the small truck came out and asked me " are you all right?", then I said "Please pick up the bicycle on the street!". It was after the snow melted and the ground was soft, so I couldn't get hurt although I had pain in my right knee. I got up by myself and went up the street, and after saying thank you to the driver of the small track, I finished my business matter. My right knee hurt but it is getting better now. I also had left chest pain and it hurts when I wipe the floor, carry a heavy box or laugh at something. I thought that I might have broken the rib but I am keeping my work going with shallow breathing. The electric assisted bicycle is extremely helpful to go uphill, but when you put heavy grocery things in the front basket, it is hard to control the handlebar. I already had two experiences falling down so I put another basket in the back for the heavy groceries. Anyhow, I realized my slow reflexes and need to pay much more attention in driving my electric assisted bicycle and hope for no accidents next year. Happy New Year!