新年になって久々の散歩に出ました。多賀大社で参拝を済ませて入った森の道はきれいに掃除されていましたが森の中は落ちた杉の葉や枝でいっぱい。昔はお風呂の焚き物に使われパチパチと音を立てて燃え上がっていたのを思い出しながら通過して森を出ました。風はそれほど冷たくもなく穏やかで冬の様相はどこにもありません。これから節分にかけて雪が降るのでしょうか。寒さのピークと言われる今年の大寒は1月20日だそうですが、水仙も咲き出し、山々には雪もなく、このまま春になるのではと思ってしまいそうです。I took a walk for the first time after a long while since last year. After first visiting Taga Taisha for prayer, I went to the shrine forest. In the woods, the pathway was cleared off neatly, but everywhere else was covered with fallen cedar leaves and branches. When I was a child they used to be burned for heating up the water for bath and I remember the fire making a crackling sound. Going out the woods, I felt the wind was not very cold and it was mild temperature for winter. I wondered whether we will have snow days during the winter. According to the calendar, the coldest of the year will be Jan. 20th, but since I found daffodils were opening and no snow on the top of the mountains, it seems that we might jump right into spring.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
新年になって久々の散歩に出ました。多賀大社で参拝を済ませて入った森の道はきれいに掃除されていましたが森の中は落ちた杉の葉や枝でいっぱい。昔はお風呂の焚き物に使われパチパチと音を立てて燃え上がっていたのを思い出しながら通過して森を出ました。風はそれほど冷たくもなく穏やかで冬の様相はどこにもありません。これから節分にかけて雪が降るのでしょうか。寒さのピークと言われる今年の大寒は1月20日だそうですが、水仙も咲き出し、山々には雪もなく、このまま春になるのではと思ってしまいそうです。I took a walk for the first time after a long while since last year. After first visiting Taga Taisha for prayer, I went to the shrine forest. In the woods, the pathway was cleared off neatly, but everywhere else was covered with fallen cedar leaves and branches. When I was a child they used to be burned for heating up the water for bath and I remember the fire making a crackling sound. Going out the woods, I felt the wind was not very cold and it was mild temperature for winter. I wondered whether we will have snow days during the winter. According to the calendar, the coldest of the year will be Jan. 20th, but since I found daffodils were opening and no snow on the top of the mountains, it seems that we might jump right into spring.
新年になって久々の散歩に出ました。多賀大社で参拝を済ませて入った森の道はきれいに掃除されていましたが森の中は落ちた杉の葉や枝でいっぱい。昔はお風呂の焚き物に使われパチパチと音を立てて燃え上がっていたのを思い出しながら通過して森を出ました。風はそれほど冷たくもなく穏やかで冬の様相はどこにもありません。これから節分にかけて雪が降るのでしょうか。寒さのピークと言われる今年の大寒は1月20日だそうですが、水仙も咲き出し、山々には雪もなく、このまま春になるのではと思ってしまいそうです。I took a walk for the first time after a long while since last year. After first visiting Taga Taisha for prayer, I went to the shrine forest. In the woods, the pathway was cleared off neatly, but everywhere else was covered with fallen cedar leaves and branches. When I was a child they used to be burned for heating up the water for bath and I remember the fire making a crackling sound. Going out the woods, I felt the wind was not very cold and it was mild temperature for winter. I wondered whether we will have snow days during the winter. According to the calendar, the coldest of the year will be Jan. 20th, but since I found daffodils were opening and no snow on the top of the mountains, it seems that we might jump right into spring.