神楽の囃子が近づいて、カフェにお獅子が入ってきました。大きなお獅子が笛と鈴に合わせて一舞したあとでお札(ふだ)を手渡してくださり、こちらも包んでおいたお金を渡すと、外で一対の獅子が笛、太鼓、それに鐘に合わせて凛々しく賑やかに右左に入れ替わりながら舞を見せてくれました。カフェのお客様も外に出て見物。舞が終わると皆外と中でお獅子にそれぞれの頭を噛んでもらいました。小さな女の子に「噛んでもらった?」と聞いたらお母さんが「怖がって…」とおっしゃったのを聞いて、お獅子のお兄さんがしゃがんで「それじゃ、お獅子を撫でて…」と優しくフォロー。女の子がお獅子の顔を撫でてめでたしめでたし。大勢のお客様と賑やかな獅子舞一座のおかげで今年も清々しい神楽獅子の1日が過ごせました。Festival musicians approached, and Shishi (lion) came into the cafe. After the big head Shishi performed a short dance to flute and bell music, one of the troupe members handed an amulet to me, so I offered wrapped paper money to him. Then a pair of Shishi showed a longer dance to flute, drum and bell music outside of the cafe. People in the cafe watched the dance and had their heads bitten by Shishi. I asked a little girl in the cafe "did the lion bite you?". Her mom said "she was afraid of the lion". The young man who was holding the lion's head approached her saying "ok, why don't you stroke the lion gently". Then she did and everybody looked happy. It was a pleasant Shishi-mai day. I thank the Shishi-mai troupe and the guests who came to the cafe.
Monday, January 20, 2020
神楽の囃子が近づいて、カフェにお獅子が入ってきました。大きなお獅子が笛と鈴に合わせて一舞したあとでお札(ふだ)を手渡してくださり、こちらも包んでおいたお金を渡すと、外で一対の獅子が笛、太鼓、それに鐘に合わせて凛々しく賑やかに右左に入れ替わりながら舞を見せてくれました。カフェのお客様も外に出て見物。舞が終わると皆外と中でお獅子にそれぞれの頭を噛んでもらいました。小さな女の子に「噛んでもらった?」と聞いたらお母さんが「怖がって…」とおっしゃったのを聞いて、お獅子のお兄さんがしゃがんで「それじゃ、お獅子を撫でて…」と優しくフォロー。女の子がお獅子の顔を撫でてめでたしめでたし。大勢のお客様と賑やかな獅子舞一座のおかげで今年も清々しい神楽獅子の1日が過ごせました。Festival musicians approached, and Shishi (lion) came into the cafe. After the big head Shishi performed a short dance to flute and bell music, one of the troupe members handed an amulet to me, so I offered wrapped paper money to him. Then a pair of Shishi showed a longer dance to flute, drum and bell music outside of the cafe. People in the cafe watched the dance and had their heads bitten by Shishi. I asked a little girl in the cafe "did the lion bite you?". Her mom said "she was afraid of the lion". The young man who was holding the lion's head approached her saying "ok, why don't you stroke the lion gently". Then she did and everybody looked happy. It was a pleasant Shishi-mai day. I thank the Shishi-mai troupe and the guests who came to the cafe.
神楽の囃子が近づいて、カフェにお獅子が入ってきました。大きなお獅子が笛と鈴に合わせて一舞したあとでお札(ふだ)を手渡してくださり、こちらも包んでおいたお金を渡すと、外で一対の獅子が笛、太鼓、それに鐘に合わせて凛々しく賑やかに右左に入れ替わりながら舞を見せてくれました。カフェのお客様も外に出て見物。舞が終わると皆外と中でお獅子にそれぞれの頭を噛んでもらいました。小さな女の子に「噛んでもらった?」と聞いたらお母さんが「怖がって…」とおっしゃったのを聞いて、お獅子のお兄さんがしゃがんで「それじゃ、お獅子を撫でて…」と優しくフォロー。女の子がお獅子の顔を撫でてめでたしめでたし。大勢のお客様と賑やかな獅子舞一座のおかげで今年も清々しい神楽獅子の1日が過ごせました。Festival musicians approached, and Shishi (lion) came into the cafe. After the big head Shishi performed a short dance to flute and bell music, one of the troupe members handed an amulet to me, so I offered wrapped paper money to him. Then a pair of Shishi showed a longer dance to flute, drum and bell music outside of the cafe. People in the cafe watched the dance and had their heads bitten by Shishi. I asked a little girl in the cafe "did the lion bite you?". Her mom said "she was afraid of the lion". The young man who was holding the lion's head approached her saying "ok, why don't you stroke the lion gently". Then she did and everybody looked happy. It was a pleasant Shishi-mai day. I thank the Shishi-mai troupe and the guests who came to the cafe.