Saturday, June 22, 2019

今朝早く彦根のN.Kさんが犬上川での釣りの帰りに釣りたての鮎をお持ちくださいました。N.Kさんは二日前も 鮎をお持ちくださったばかりで、ご主人が入院中のご近所のおば様にお裾分けをして美味しくいただきました。 今朝もアイスボックスにはたくさんの鮎が見えました。小鮎にしてはちょっと大きいかなと思われる大きさでしたが 今日はカフェのお客様にお裾分けし、残りを私の夕食に。夕方は、イベントの時はいつもお出で下さる彦根のK.Kさんがお立ち寄り 下さり、畑で作りましたとおっしゃって採れたての立派なインゲンをお土産に下さいました。鮎もインゲンも地元の初夏の食材です。 夕食は、上級野菜ソムリエの立花尚子さんに教えていただいたナスのピリ辛焼き浸しに新鮮なインゲンを入れて一品。 鮎は天ぷらにしました。内蔵を取っておいたので苦みもなく骨も柔らかく大根おろしで美味しくいただきました。Mr. N.K who lives in Hikone brought a lot of Ayu (sweetfish) after fishing in Inukami-river early this morning. He had just brought me Ayu two days ago and I shared them with a lady nearby whose husband is in the hospital now. This morning I also saw a lot of ayu in his icebox. The size of the fish is bit large even though it is called "Ko-ayu (small sweetfish)". Today I shared them with a guest at the cafe and I took the remainder for my dinner. In the late afternoon, Mr. K.K who kindly comes to every event at my cafe from Hikone stopped by my cafe and gave me fresh green beans saying that he grew them in his vegetable garden. Both ayu and green beans are local foods in early summer. For my dinner, I prepared a spicy eggplant dish which I learned to cook from Naoko Tachibana who is a Senior Vegetable Sommelier and I added the fresh green beans there. As for ayu, I fried them. Since I cooked them after taking out the organs from each of them, they were so soft and tasty without bitterness. I ate them with grated daikon (Japanese radish).