あさひや始まって以来、100名を越える大勢のお客様をお迎えしての大倉正之助氏と一噌幸弘氏の迫力ある演奏会から 一週間が経ちました。演奏者の気迫に圧倒されながらも観客との間にある種、和みある空気が創りだされたひととき でした。そして、その余韻が未だそこかしこに残っています。昨日からお天気が曇り空になって時折激しい雨が降りだしています。 滋賀は梅雨入りしたのでしょうか。雨に濡れた庭石に露草がよく似合っています。It has been a week since the powerful performanance of Mr. Shonosuke Okura and Mr. Yukihiro Isso which had the biggest audience (over 100 people) since we started the cafe. Our audience was overwhelmed by their playing which was full of spirit. At the same time, it was a wonderful warm moment created by both players and audience. I still feel the afterglow of the great performance. Since yesterday the weather became cloudy and occasionally there is heavy rain. I wonder if we have entered into rainy season in Shiga. Asiatic dayflowers (we call it as Tsuyu-kusa (lit. Dew-grass)) in the garden match well with the wet stones.
Sunday, June 9, 2019
あさひや始まって以来、100名を越える大勢のお客様をお迎えしての大倉正之助氏と一噌幸弘氏の迫力ある演奏会から 一週間が経ちました。演奏者の気迫に圧倒されながらも観客との間にある種、和みある空気が創りだされたひととき でした。そして、その余韻が未だそこかしこに残っています。昨日からお天気が曇り空になって時折激しい雨が降りだしています。 滋賀は梅雨入りしたのでしょうか。雨に濡れた庭石に露草がよく似合っています。It has been a week since the powerful performanance of Mr. Shonosuke Okura and Mr. Yukihiro Isso which had the biggest audience (over 100 people) since we started the cafe. Our audience was overwhelmed by their playing which was full of spirit. At the same time, it was a wonderful warm moment created by both players and audience. I still feel the afterglow of the great performance. Since yesterday the weather became cloudy and occasionally there is heavy rain. I wonder if we have entered into rainy season in Shiga. Asiatic dayflowers (we call it as Tsuyu-kusa (lit. Dew-grass)) in the garden match well with the wet stones.
あさひや始まって以来、100名を越える大勢のお客様をお迎えしての大倉正之助氏と一噌幸弘氏の迫力ある演奏会から 一週間が経ちました。演奏者の気迫に圧倒されながらも観客との間にある種、和みある空気が創りだされたひととき でした。そして、その余韻が未だそこかしこに残っています。昨日からお天気が曇り空になって時折激しい雨が降りだしています。 滋賀は梅雨入りしたのでしょうか。雨に濡れた庭石に露草がよく似合っています。It has been a week since the powerful performanance of Mr. Shonosuke Okura and Mr. Yukihiro Isso which had the biggest audience (over 100 people) since we started the cafe. Our audience was overwhelmed by their playing which was full of spirit. At the same time, it was a wonderful warm moment created by both players and audience. I still feel the afterglow of the great performance. Since yesterday the weather became cloudy and occasionally there is heavy rain. I wonder if we have entered into rainy season in Shiga. Asiatic dayflowers (we call it as Tsuyu-kusa (lit. Dew-grass)) in the garden match well with the wet stones.