Saturday, June 22, 2019

6月の花といえば何といっても紫陽花です。我が家の紫陽花は地味ながらも今年も座敷と蔵に登場しました。それから2日ほど前にご近所に届け物があって伺ったら玄関に美しい花が挿してあったので思わず「わあ、きれい!」と言ったら家に咲いている紫陽花よとおっしゃって、おば様が庭の枝を3本ほど切らせて下さいました。同じガクアジサイでもIさんのは明るく華やかなお花です。紫陽花の花言葉は「無常」「移り気」「高慢」「辛抱強い」などおしゃれな漢字にしては意外な言葉が連なっていました。今年は梅雨入りがあるのかないのか分からないようなお天気ですが、季節感いっぱいの紫陽花を眺めながら6月も早、中旬を過ぎた日々を過ごしています。Speaking of the flower of June, Ajisai (hydrangea) represents it. I arranged the flowers of hydrangea from my backyard in the guest room and warehouse this year, too. About two days ago, when I visited a house nearby, I noticed beautiful pinkish flowers in the entrance, and I praised them. The lady who owned the house said to me that it is also hydrangea and they were from her garden. She took me to her yard and let me cut a couple of the branches. Those two are both lacecap hydrangea, but hers are more bright and flowery. Hydrangea symbolizes frigidity and heartlessness despite the beautiful Chinese characters of the flower. This year, I don't know exactly whether we have rainy season or not, but still I am spending my days during this latter half of the month looking at the flowers of hydrangea which symbolizes rainy season.