Tuesday, April 24, 2018


庭のさつきが去年より1週間ほど早く鮮やかに咲きました。紅葉もそれに競うかのように柔らかな深い朱色の葉をつけて枝を伸ばしています。木塀を背景に光を受けた新緑と庭石とさつきや紅葉の絵もようのあまりの美しさにドキッとします。初夏の勢いに心が震えます。写真はお天気の昨日撮ったものです。Asalea in the garden has been beautifully blooming and it started about one week earlier than last year. The maple tree, which has soft and deep red leaves, is also spreading its branches as if it is competing with the asalea. My heart skips a beat upon seeing this beautiful garden which looks like a painting of fresh greens, rocks, asalea and maple leaves against the background of an old wooden wall in the full sunlight. The sight of such freshness is energizing. This picture is from yesterday, which was quite a fine day.