Tuesday, August 27, 2024


最初の映画はInside Out (邦題インサイド・ヘッド)というアニメ。今年Inide Out 2 が出たようですが、私が見たのは2015年の最初のもの。女の子の頭の中に住む喜び、悲しみ、怒り、嫌悪、恐れなどの感情が擬人化されて、それらが女の子の暮らしの中で奮闘する様子が描かれるというなかなかユニークな発想。登場人物の他に感情の人物が別のアニメで描かれていますが、表情や仕草がいかにもアメリカ人で実写よりも強調されているので日本人の私にはとても面白かったです。

一番心に残った映画は2023年に制作されたフランス映画Une Belle Course(邦題「パリタクシー」)。92歳の老婦人が終のすみかの老人ホームに向かうタクシーの中で運転手に自分の過去を語っていく物語です。この92歳の役を演じているのがリーヌ・ルノー(Line Renaud)というフランスでは有名な歌手で女優さんでもある方ですが実際は94歳とのこと。ゆったりとした語りの中で実はとんでも無い過去の経験が明かされるのですが、存在感と確信の深さが94歳のこの女優さんそのものではないかと思えるほど素敵でした。


I came back to Japan safely! The flight was almost full again, but I could stay in my seat with a much better feeling than the last time because the person next to me was an Indian woman and she didn't bother me at all. I watched four movies and listened to two Japanese comic storytellings, even though I still had plenty of boring time during the fourteen-hour flight.

The first movie was an animation titled "Inside Out". It seemed "Inside Out 2" was released in 2024 but the one I watched was made in 2015. In the mind of a girl are different emotions such as Joy, Anger, Fear, Disgust and Sadness and all these emotions are personified and struggling in her daily life. I've never seen such a unique idea before which was very interesting. Since those characters are all animated, facial expressions and body movements are more exaggerated than real ones and from a Japanese point of view like me it was very interesting.

The most impressive movie among the four was the French movie "Une belle Course" in 2023. It started with a conversation between a 92 year old woman who was going to her nursing home and the taxi driver. She talked about her life in the taxi. According to the net information, the actress platine this woman was Line Renaud who is a well known singer and actress in France who's real age is 94. She revealed her incredible past in her calm tone of speaking. I was amazed by her presence and depth of her conviction. It was a really good movie.

The plane landed a little bit earlier than scheduled and I could reach Tokyo station to get on the Shinkansen smoothly which was 30 mins ahead of my expectation. After the train started, I saw some rain drops on the window and lightning far away. Then after a while, the train master announced that due to heavy rain in the Tokyo- Yokohama area, the following Shinkansen trains were stopped. Our train didn't have any effect because of the rain and I could come back to Shiga.

When I looked up at the sky after getting off my last local train at the Taga-taisha-mae station, a big full moon was there and welcomed me.