半地下や路地裏に販売店があるだろうとの予想に反して、それはあまりにあっけらかんと表通りにスッキリした店構えで存在していました。Western Frontという名前が何の店か分からない私は、葉っぱのマークと聞いていたので、ここに違いないと写真におさめました。小さい字で「Premium Cannabis Dispensary(大麻薬局」と書いてあったのですが、実はcannabisがマリファナ(marijuana)のことだと知ったのは家へ帰ってから。若い女性がニコニコ顔で中から出てきたのと入れ違いに別の女性が中へ入っていきました。
When I told my family that tattoo shops are open in the US with visible signs but not in Japan, my daughter told me that even marijuana is sold legally in the US. I was very surprised by this and went to see the shop because I was very curious about it.
I was expecting that the shop would be in a semi-basement or back alley, but it was on the main street and a simple shop. I have never heard the name of "Western Front" but my family told me that I would find the shop from the mark of a leaf. There were letters "Premium Cannabis Dispensary" under the shop name but I knew Cannabis means marijuana when I got home. I saw a woman coming out from the shop with a smile and another woman went into the shop when I was there. I knew that they sell everything such as cookies, drinks, etc. and every item contains marijuana. It seems that visitors need to show their identification but everybody can buy their products. This is terrible for me.
In Japan, since possessing and purchasing marijuana are illegal, you will be punished if you do these actions no matter what. However this is allowed for Americans. I read an article that if you have a certificate, you can grow up to 6 cannabis plants for medical use.
I really hope that Japan doesn't follow this system in the future.