Sunday, January 14, 2024



天気がイマイチとは言え、今日は成人の日。多賀大社参拝の方が駅で電車を降りてこられるのに、駅前が雪溜まりとは何ということ!除雪車が駅前をぐるりと回れば済むことなのに..... 役場がどこかの業者に依頼しているのでしょうが、あまりに配慮がないことに呆れるばかりでした。


    It was a cold morning and 3 inches of snow had accumulated. In Japan many people send New Year's postcards with lottery numbers. Ahead of the announcement of the lottery number by the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, the local department store announced their own lottery number using the same postcard and gave discount tickets such as 30% off or 20% off at the department store.. I hit several 30% tickets and 20% tickets. Today was the only day that I could go to the store before the expiration date, but the weather was not good for me to go out by bike. So I decided to use a local discount taxi which is not a regular taxi and because of several limitations to use that taxi, I had to go to the railway station to get on it.

    Since snow-melting water was coming from the central part of the street, I could walk toward the station with rain boots, but when I came just near the station, I was very surprised because there was no water drainage system, and snow was not eliminated in front of the station. I felt sorry for the people from the train and went to Taga Taisha through the street. If the station master was in the station, he would have managed this problem but no station staff is there. I don't know who has the responsibility to eliminate the snow in that area. It should be solved as soon as possible. I am ashamed that the problem remains unresolved still now.

    I took a photo of the area but the snow was already melted when I came back from shopping.