Wednesday, May 4, 2022




    First of May started with a little cold rain. Izanami-market was held yesterday on the first Sunday of the month and a small retro goods shop opened to the left of the cafe but very few people passed by the street because of the rain, so the owner of the shop closed in the afternoon. The weather was completely opposite from the day before, which was very fine, but we can not complain about the natural phenomenon.

    Well, we served Izanami lunch and I thank people who ate in the cafe or took it home. The menu is as follows: Simmered Japanese Butterbur, Udo (Aralia cordata) with Japanese pepper leaves miso, spinach salad with bacon dressing, Celeri remoulade, meatball, fried salmon marinated in a spicy sauce, Steamed rice with bamboo shoots and Tomato & egg soup.