台風10号は明け方当地にも強風と激しい雨をもたらし、朝の中学での読み聞かせが中止になるかと心配しましたが、幸いすぐにおさまり予定通り生徒たちの前に立つことができました。今日は先日朗読サークルで取り上げられた滋賀県野洲地方に伝わる民話「めおとヅル」を読みました。始まる前に階段脇のベンチに腰かけて時間待ちをしていると男子生徒が数人一段飛ばしで階段を上がっていきます。いつの時代も見られる光景。今や高台の中学までたどり着くのに息を切らしている私は「お〜っ」という気持ちで彼らのエネルギーに拍手を送りたくなりました。帰り道、多賀大社に寄ると、この間まで蓋がしてあった参拝の前に身を清める場所(手水舎(てみずや)というそうです)が、今までの柄杓(ひしゃく)がなくなって、竹筒を通して水が使えるようにしてありました。「頭は帽子を乗せるためのものではない」とよく言われたものですが、「なるほどなあ」と時代に添った工夫に感心しました。Typhoon #10 brought strong wind and heavy rain in our town early this morning and it made me worried about the cancelation of today's storytelling at Junior high school. Fortunately it soon passed and I gave a story for the students as scheduled. I chose a local folk tale named "a couple crane" in Shiga prefecture. While I was waiting for the starting time, I saw some male students going up the stairs by skipping one step. It is always the same that boys go up like that, I wanted to applaud them for their energy as it is difficult for me to even come up to the J.H School which is on the top of the hill. On the way back home, I stopped by Taga Taisha (shrine). There is a water place where people clean their hands and mouth (purify themselves) before worship. Due to prevention of coronavirus spreading, it was closed by covering the area, but I found it was opened again but in a different way. We don't need the tool for scooping water any more. I have been hearing "The head is not only for putting a hat on. (Use your brain.)" since I was a child. Indeed, I admired this smart way which is appropriate for the current situation.
台風10号は明け方当地にも強風と激しい雨をもたらし、朝の中学での読み聞かせが中止になるかと心配しましたが、幸いすぐにおさまり予定通り生徒たちの前に立つことができました。今日は先日朗読サークルで取り上げられた滋賀県野洲地方に伝わる民話「めおとヅル」を読みました。始まる前に階段脇のベンチに腰かけて時間待ちをしていると男子生徒が数人一段飛ばしで階段を上がっていきます。いつの時代も見られる光景。今や高台の中学までたどり着くのに息を切らしている私は「お〜っ」という気持ちで彼らのエネルギーに拍手を送りたくなりました。帰り道、多賀大社に寄ると、この間まで蓋がしてあった参拝の前に身を清める場所(手水舎(てみずや)というそうです)が、今までの柄杓(ひしゃく)がなくなって、竹筒を通して水が使えるようにしてありました。「頭は帽子を乗せるためのものではない」とよく言われたものですが、「なるほどなあ」と時代に添った工夫に感心しました。Typhoon #10 brought strong wind and heavy rain in our town early this morning and it made me worried about the cancelation of today's storytelling at Junior high school. Fortunately it soon passed and I gave a story for the students as scheduled. I chose a local folk tale named "a couple crane" in Shiga prefecture. While I was waiting for the starting time, I saw some male students going up the stairs by skipping one step. It is always the same that boys go up like that, I wanted to applaud them for their energy as it is difficult for me to even come up to the J.H School which is on the top of the hill. On the way back home, I stopped by Taga Taisha (shrine). There is a water place where people clean their hands and mouth (purify themselves) before worship. Due to prevention of coronavirus spreading, it was closed by covering the area, but I found it was opened again but in a different way. We don't need the tool for scooping water any more. I have been hearing "The head is not only for putting a hat on. (Use your brain.)" since I was a child. Indeed, I admired this smart way which is appropriate for the current situation.