カレンダーをめくって今日から7月。今月は小学校の朝の読み聞かせが4回と新しく中学校が2回入り結構な忙しさ。実力はまだまだですが呼んでいただけるのはありがたいことです。今日のクラスは3年い組。去年2年生のクラスで見かけた子供達の顔ががマスク越しに分かりました。選んだ本は佐野洋子さんの絵と文「おじさんのかさ」。イギリス紳士を彷彿とさせる格好と力強いおヒゲの上にあるおじさんの目の動きが何とも味わい深く、絵も内容もよく季節にピッタリ。子供達は喜ぶだろうなと思って前に立って本を見せると「それ読んだあ〜」「えっ、いつ?」「こないだ〜」(読み聞かせの記録帳にはなかったはずだけど…)一瞬面食らうも「モいっかい聞いてね。みんな今日は傘持ってきた〜?」と始める。多分担任の先生が読んで聞かせたのでしょう。こういうこともあるんだなと認識。次からは2冊用意しておこうかと考えるもそれもまた大変かな…。We flip the calendar and July starts from today. I am scheduled to give four storytellings at elementary school and two at junior high school this month. I appreciate having these opportunities although I feel my skill is not enough. Today I was assigned for the third grade. When I entered the class, I recognized some familiar faces underneath the masks whom I met last year at the second grader class. I chose " Mister's umbrella" story and illustrations by Yoko Sano. He looks like an English gentleman with a fine mustache and his eyes above it were drawn very expressively. Since the pictures and story fit this rainy season, I was sure that it would amuse the kids. When the children saw the book, some of them said " We already know the story.". I said "Really? When did you hear it?". "Some time ago," they responded. I checked the recording notebook beforehand and there was no name of that book. I was a little bit hesitant but continued, "OK. Then listen again. Did you bring your umbrella?". I guess their teacher probably read it for them recently. I am afraid that this kind of thing will happen again but it is more hard for me to choose two possible books just in case.
Thursday, July 2, 2020
カレンダーをめくって今日から7月。今月は小学校の朝の読み聞かせが4回と新しく中学校が2回入り結構な忙しさ。実力はまだまだですが呼んでいただけるのはありがたいことです。今日のクラスは3年い組。去年2年生のクラスで見かけた子供達の顔ががマスク越しに分かりました。選んだ本は佐野洋子さんの絵と文「おじさんのかさ」。イギリス紳士を彷彿とさせる格好と力強いおヒゲの上にあるおじさんの目の動きが何とも味わい深く、絵も内容もよく季節にピッタリ。子供達は喜ぶだろうなと思って前に立って本を見せると「それ読んだあ〜」「えっ、いつ?」「こないだ〜」(読み聞かせの記録帳にはなかったはずだけど…)一瞬面食らうも「モいっかい聞いてね。みんな今日は傘持ってきた〜?」と始める。多分担任の先生が読んで聞かせたのでしょう。こういうこともあるんだなと認識。次からは2冊用意しておこうかと考えるもそれもまた大変かな…。We flip the calendar and July starts from today. I am scheduled to give four storytellings at elementary school and two at junior high school this month. I appreciate having these opportunities although I feel my skill is not enough. Today I was assigned for the third grade. When I entered the class, I recognized some familiar faces underneath the masks whom I met last year at the second grader class. I chose " Mister's umbrella" story and illustrations by Yoko Sano. He looks like an English gentleman with a fine mustache and his eyes above it were drawn very expressively. Since the pictures and story fit this rainy season, I was sure that it would amuse the kids. When the children saw the book, some of them said " We already know the story.". I said "Really? When did you hear it?". "Some time ago," they responded. I checked the recording notebook beforehand and there was no name of that book. I was a little bit hesitant but continued, "OK. Then listen again. Did you bring your umbrella?". I guess their teacher probably read it for them recently. I am afraid that this kind of thing will happen again but it is more hard for me to choose two possible books just in case.
カレンダーをめくって今日から7月。今月は小学校の朝の読み聞かせが4回と新しく中学校が2回入り結構な忙しさ。実力はまだまだですが呼んでいただけるのはありがたいことです。今日のクラスは3年い組。去年2年生のクラスで見かけた子供達の顔ががマスク越しに分かりました。選んだ本は佐野洋子さんの絵と文「おじさんのかさ」。イギリス紳士を彷彿とさせる格好と力強いおヒゲの上にあるおじさんの目の動きが何とも味わい深く、絵も内容もよく季節にピッタリ。子供達は喜ぶだろうなと思って前に立って本を見せると「それ読んだあ〜」「えっ、いつ?」「こないだ〜」(読み聞かせの記録帳にはなかったはずだけど…)一瞬面食らうも「モいっかい聞いてね。みんな今日は傘持ってきた〜?」と始める。多分担任の先生が読んで聞かせたのでしょう。こういうこともあるんだなと認識。次からは2冊用意しておこうかと考えるもそれもまた大変かな…。We flip the calendar and July starts from today. I am scheduled to give four storytellings at elementary school and two at junior high school this month. I appreciate having these opportunities although I feel my skill is not enough. Today I was assigned for the third grade. When I entered the class, I recognized some familiar faces underneath the masks whom I met last year at the second grader class. I chose " Mister's umbrella" story and illustrations by Yoko Sano. He looks like an English gentleman with a fine mustache and his eyes above it were drawn very expressively. Since the pictures and story fit this rainy season, I was sure that it would amuse the kids. When the children saw the book, some of them said " We already know the story.". I said "Really? When did you hear it?". "Some time ago," they responded. I checked the recording notebook beforehand and there was no name of that book. I was a little bit hesitant but continued, "OK. Then listen again. Did you bring your umbrella?". I guess their teacher probably read it for them recently. I am afraid that this kind of thing will happen again but it is more hard for me to choose two possible books just in case.