Thursday, December 5, 2019

多賀町あけぼのパークで開催されているパッチワーク作品展に行ってきました。「ちくちくQuilt倶楽部」を主宰なさっている竹内綾子さんの作品と生徒さんたちの力作が展示されて見事でした。「ふふ、ふふふ」というのは古布の「ふ」と笑い声の「ふ」の両方をモジったものだそうです。竹内綾子さんは国際キルト展で過去何度も賞を獲得し、今年出された作品も入賞したとのこと。多賀にも素晴らしい方がいらっしゃること誇りに思います。パッチワークというと幾何学模様が頭に浮かびますが、竹内さんの作品の多くは「ゆがみ」があったり身近な道具や思い出の情景の刺繍がしてあったり、大きな作品一杯に独創的で自由な世界が広がっています。しかも、すべて子供の頃の服地やお母様の着物、布団地など古布が使われており、過去の思い出が竹内さんの豊かなな感性で再登場しています。途方もないエネルギーの結集です。I went to a quilt exhibition at Akebono-park in Taga town. Ms. Ayako Takeuchi organizes "Chiku-chiku Quilt Club" and Ms. Takeuchi and her students' powerful works have been on display since last Friday and will continue to be shown until Dec.8th. "Chiku-chiku" is an onomatopoeia to describe the way of sowing with needle. Ms. A. Takeuchi got many awards in International Quilt Contest in the past and today I heard that she was awarded this year in the same contest, too. We are proud to have someone in Taga with such wonderful talent like Ms. Takeuchi. When you hear "Patchwork", many of you would imagine one with geometric patterns, but Ms. Takeuchi's works are different. She makes many distortions and embroidery of lovely tools and scenery based on her memories in her quilts. They are full of her creative world. She also used old clothes such as her childhood cloth, her mother's kimonos, cloth for futon. In this way, her good old memories are revived. I was overwhelmed by her powerful creativity.