Saturday, September 7, 2024





After a long time, I went to the local elementary school to give storytelling. It was a special support class and the size was small. I chose a short poem book selected by Mitsuko Hase (1931-2012 who was a Japanese language performing artist.

Out of several poems which I read in the class, the kids were most interested in the poem Kappa (river imp). It is a very short poem which has double consonants in every word. I thought only listening to the poem must be boring to the kids, so I let the kids repeat after me. Kappa, Lappa, Kappalatta, Totte-chitte-taa, all these sound very funny and interesting. At first, some of them were just laughing, or being shy, but later on they participated in this word play and I was very happy about it. When I read the next poem, one of the boys was still saying "Kappa", so in the end, I got back to the previous poem and did the Kappa word play again.

When I was teaching Japanese at a college in the US, I used this poem for my students to practice Japanese double consonants. It applies to all language levels by changing the method and students enjoyed it very much.

After my reading was over, the class teacher said to me "I realized that it does not have to be a picture book and only reading by varying the voice tones and facial expressions attract children!" . I am wondering what kind of facial expressions I showed to the kids?