雑草は嫌われても強く逞しく生きる例えでしばしば登場しますが、このツル性の植物だけはあまりに図々しいので正直忌々しいです。軒を貸して母屋を乗っ取られようにまとわりつかれた側はやがて生気を失い枯れていく運命にあります。よく似た雑草(black swallow-wort) がボストンの家の生垣にもあり、こちらはもっとやっかいで小さな青いサヤがついていて中のタネが溢れるとさらに繁殖するという恐ろしいツル性植物。新聞にもこの植物だけは黒いビニール袋に入れて廃棄するように指示がありました。前は見なかったのにと思いながら、夫の取り残したあとを生垣の棘に触れないよう注意深く根気よく取りました。
I went to Boston for about a month and came back home. Then my back yard turned awful like a jungle. Weeds grew high, and some weeds ran through the ground. Climbing plants wrapped around other plants and net fences.
People sometimes praise weeds, comparing them to a person who lives strongly even if he/she is stepped on, but I don't like these climbing plants because they are so impudent. There is a saying, "to lend out the eaves but have one's whole house taken", and these plants are just like that. The original plants will dry out eventually. I found the same kind of plant in Boston this summer named black swallow-wort. This one was much worse because it has little pods and when they pop and drop the seeds on the ground, they grow and multiply. It is a really terrible climbing plant. I tried to take them away after my husband removed them.
Getting back to my backyard, I was stunned when I saw my neglected yard which no longer had any original plants. I hesitated to go in and remove the weeds but decided to start to do it little by little.
There are still untouched places, but I can see the soil at the places I removed weeds. I feel as if my yard is happy and saying thanks to me, and then I feel so good.