Monday, January 27, 2025




I received homemade Jam of Chinese quince from Ms.K.O. K is living in Kyoto now, but before she got married, she was in my neighborhood and she occasionally still comes to her native home with her husband where nobody is living anymore.

I often hear the name of Chinese quince, but actually I have never seen both the tree and the fruit. K told me that the fruit is large and hard, so I checked about it on the internet. The shape looked like a pear.

The color of Chinese quince jam is a beautiful red. It has a subtle smell of Chinese quince. It is very good and I might say it has a mature taste which is a little sour and a little bitter within the sweetness. According to K, it takes time and it is a long process to make the jam compared to other jam such as strawberries. K made this jam with love, effort, and creativity. I received a precious present.