Friday, January 6, 2023


    お正月三が日が瞬く間に過ぎてしまいました。絵馬通りは多賀大社への初詣の人で久々の賑わいを見せました。カフェにはお客様が次々お見えくださった日もあれば表通りの人の流れに反して意外に静かな日もあり、その理由は未だに分からず仕舞い。これまで私の他に2~3人のお手伝いの方に来ていただいたのですがコロナ禍ということもあって去年から二人体制で臨みました。自身の修士論文に専念するところを無理をお願いして助っ人役を引き受けてくれたM.Tさん。ともすれば、そそっかしく、てんやわんやになる私を彼女冷静沈着で確実な動きが全面的に支えてくれました 。元旦の混乱時には、多賀のお正月を経験したいと泊まり込みで遊びに来ていた友人のYちゃんにも助けてもらって乗り切ることができました。


    New year's three days passed quickly. Ema-dohri (main street approaching Taga shrine) was crowded with people who visited the shrine after a long time. We also had many people in the cafe, but the second day was more quiet in the cafe despite the crowded street and we don't know what was the reason for that.
Before the spread of Covid-19, I was asking two or three people to come to help at the cafe during the first three days of the year, but from last year I decided to run the cafe with two including me. I asked for help from M.T who is busy with her Master thesis, but she accepted my request and supported me very well, as I often make careless mistakes and get confused. When we were the busiest and hard to handle, my friend, Y who came to me and stayed from New Year's eve to celebrate the new year, kindly gave me a hand and it was very helpful. 

    Mr. N, who used to be a chief priest of Taga Taisha came to the cafe on the first day and gave a rabbit bell which is a symbol of this zodiac year. Sketch painter Mr. Matsui drew a picture of my cafe with two lions dancing and gave it to me. I am very lucky to receive these wonderful gifts at the very beginning of the year.