Thursday, November 26, 2020

クラウン・ライブと講座が終了しました。コロナ禍で座席数を減らしてのイベント。入場時からお客様は落ち着いて私どもに協力してくださりありがたかったです。ライブはジージ扮するばあばが赤ん坊を寝かしつけながら物語を始めるところからで、ジャグリング、マジック、ばあばと燕尾服との恋の駆け引き、マイムで表される野球少年たちの夢、最後はオリジナル曲がロネジージによって手話を入れて歌われ、芸達者なロネとジージのパフォーマンスに大笑いしたかと思えば見事な表現に「ほお〜っ」と感心したり、大人も子供もロネジジの世界に引き込まれてしまいました。翌日はロネこと高野呂音さんのクラウンとは何かについての講座。明治の頃、日本になぜクラウンが入らなかったのか、欧米の暮らしの中のクラウンの存在などが分かりやすく解説され、クラウンが実は相手のために自分がどう生きるかという問題に繋がり、ゆるみを許容する社会を形成することになるなど、個々人にとって非常に有効で充実した話しでした。また初期のチャプリンが古典的な手法の型を使っていたことなど動画を見ながらの説明も新鮮で楽しかったです。来年はコロナも収まりたくさんの方にロネジジ公演を楽しんでいただけるよう心から願っています。Clown Performance and Talk took place last Saturday and Sunday. We had to reduce the number of the seats for these events due to the protection of coronavirus spreading. We thank all guests who were cooperative with us. The show started from the scene in which an old lady played by Gigi put the baby to sleep, and moved to juggling, magic, illusion mime, pantomime along with the story and their original song with sign language in the end. Everybody laughed at their comical scenes and admired their superb technique. Kids and adults were all drawn in to the world created by Rone & Gigi. The next day, Rone Takano as clown Rone gave a talk about what a clown is. She talked about " The origin and history of clown in Europe'' , "Why clown didn't come into Japan in the Meiji era while other cultures like ballet, music, western theater did" and "People's life in Europe and US is close to clown". Rone's talk was very clear and interesting. We learned that clowns in fact exist to please every people, and wish to live for others. The existence of clowns who are sympathetic to anyone creates a society where even people's failures can be accepted. These talks were very significant and useful to us. Rone also showed the film of early Charles Chaplin and explained to us that he used to use traditional comic forms in many scenes. Charles Chaplin is one of the greatest clowns among the professional clowns. I think both performance and talk were very interesting and enriching to us. Hope that coronavirus will go away next year and more people will enjoy next year's clown performance at Taga Asahiya.