白梅があちこちできれいに咲いています。多賀大社の天満神社の白梅も今朝は紅梅と対できれいな姿を見せていました。3月に入って確かに春の気配が感じられます。もっとも今日のお天気は今ひとつでしたが。床の間の雛人形を箱にしまいました。また来年お会いするまでゆっくりお休みいただきましょう。I can see white plum trees are blooming everywhere. A pair of red and white plum trees at Tenman-jinjya in Taga-taisha are also blooming. They are so lovely. I could feel the spring is just around the corner, though the weather today was not clear. I put Hina dolls back in boxes which were displayed in a tokonoma (recessed alcove) for a month. Take a relaxing time, dolls, until the next year!